Impossible Conjurations
Maybe, just maybe today you’re brave enough
From the sticky-tacky, stinging heat of anger, conjure a greening love of fluid life, flowing freely, coursing humid molecules of pure hydration born from the goal itself: to be more, to have more to give, to arrive secure and safe, protected and expansive, gliding high on currents streaming through the middle of a story worthy of your wild journey.
From the muddy-sunk, reeking depth of dismal despair, conjure an ancient, crackling seed, sprouting out from dormant, meteoric dust which long ago was scattered by the raw, potentiating cosmos to bloom and burst forth tall, stretching ever upward in the heady daylight of this exhale, this intake of sky and Sun.
From the frigid-frozen monument of sub-arctic hibernation, conjure a sweet, sparkling brilliance that makes each distant star gazing down at Earth so richly swoon and fall in love, they’ll all in unison sing across the universe new epic passions to pursue along your timeline.
From these words, blinking-trapped beneath the flat-glass smoothness of your screen, conjure the potent, lurking thought you never then felt brave enough to carry forward, the lift you craved but feared to follow — and know: for real you are the one, a better beat…